On the If It Involves Hiking And Dogs Count Me In The Forest Shirt also I will do this first night of the RNC, the president’s eldest son’s girlfriend, dressed in fire-engine red, gave her best Eva Perón imitation, complete with outstretched arms, and ending by screaming into the empty hall, “Ladies and gentlemen, leaders and fighters for freedom and liberty and the American dream, the best is yet to come!” After it was over, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer said, “Very forceful speech, Jake, from Kimberly Guilfoyle.” And Jake Tapper responded with his quiet deadpan, “Forceful is one word for it.” Personally, I was struck by Guilfoyle musing about how she was a first-generation immigrant despite being from Puerto Rico, which, the last time I checked, was part of the United States. (Guilfoyle’s speech also created a meme, #Guilfoylechallenge, in which people posted videos of themselves screaming nonsense in the abyss.)

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